ヘブン状態[heaven joutai]

January 16, 2009 at 3:15 pm (BL, otaku word)

duel-love1 あっ…ああ…き、気持ちいい…んんッ…!アッアッアッーーー!


 Before I start to explain this, I have to mention the DS game that coined this term, Duel Love-恋する腐女子乙女は勝利の女神[A maiden in love is the goddess of victory]-. In this game, there are several bishounens who shall do martial arts. You choose your favorite boy, and support him. How you shall support him is to good take care of his body, like doing massage, a band-aid, or if necessary you can breathe words of love so that he gets up. This game is to play with Nintendo DS, and on the upper panel his face shows while his body shows on the lower one. You shall use a touchpen, and do things as commanded. As it works, he would start to feel, and utter a sexy voice(but if you fail, he would become in a bad mood). Depending upon how much of ecstacy he is in, the background changes…When he is in the highest mode, it is called ヘブン状態[heaven joutai]. Let’s see how it goes together. じゃあ…一緒に見てみようか…?

アホ過ぎるw女の子ってこんなの聞いてハアハアしてるなんてエロいなぁww. こすれ[kosure] means rub it!, and he said さわってくれてるとこ…気持ちがいいよ[What you are touching feels good].  

 The character design is Hisaya Nakajou who worked on 花ざかりの君たちへ[Hanazakari no kimi tachi e], and those bishounens are voiced by Fukuyama Jun, Okiayu Ryutaro, Nakai Kazuya, Sugita Tomokazu, Ono Daisuke, Nojima Kenji, and so on. ああ、なんなのこのわざとらしい声優陣はぁッ!This game is, if nothing else, for BL fangirls as you may imagine.

 heaven-joutai1However, a word ヘブン状態[heaven joutai] is not seen anywhere in this game. This was actually found in the game magazine that introduced this game, and some 2ch bugs or male gamers picked it up to mean such an orgasm. So it doesn’t seem that fujoshis use, rather male otakus shall use it. As a man comes to orgasm with masturbation, he would be in this state. But remember, what comes after that is to be 賢者タイム[kenja time].


  1. Cactus said,

    Oh my, oh my. This is absolutely hilarious. I think it would be fun to play this game, but doesn’t the head floating on the top screen look weird? Their bodies are way too long, they look strange. Still, totally worth it to play. Just hope no one catches you playing it!

  2. Soshi said,


    I actually have this game and it was quite fun during the first time but then it got kind of boring and I didn’t really want to get all the guys in the end. XD Plus, it’s so hard to play it at home when my parents are around!

  3. mochie said,

    Haha I actually have this game!! I’ve nearly finished getting all the character endings and mini games, but stopped playing when it got a bit too repetitive (it’s not as fun as tokimemo or otometeki love revo). I love the first mini game the best when you can treat his wounds and the one where you can see him shower is just very funny. The massage game is alright but I cannot stand the sounds the character makes when you massage him.

  4. goodyfun said,

    There is another game like that I have seen called Hachi Koi. This is the website. http://www.hachikoi.com/

    It looks like fun, the girls are really cute. ^^

  5. 子犬 said,

    You know how people say some girls prefer to imagine and boys have to see? This might take the fun out of the imagination part because it is so hands on.

    On the other hand… He has glasses! 😀 ^^;

  6. Neohybrid_kai said,

    I agree with what 子犬 said, there’s a lot of example for these kind of game in bishoujo/eroge but this is the first time I’ve seen one for fujoshi.

  7. bangin said,

    Cactus: Then you must buy this!^^ Yes, it looks a bit weird to me, too.

    Soshi&mochie: So you girls are goddesses of victory. This game requires an earphone for sure! I am afraid my next door hears.

    goodyfun: This kind of game used to be for male gamers. Using a touchpen, and playing with a girl’s body…but this fun is not for only guys anymore.

    子犬&Neohybrid_kai: Now is the time for girls to see things!?

  8. 子犬 said,

    “Now is the time for girls to see things!?”


  9. goodyfun said,


    Ppffhhhttt- Ha ha ha ha ha. Well said. 🙂

  10. dani said,

    Is this nonsense a real game? Don’t Japanese women find it a little boring and obscenely degrading to be given a game where they are essentially servants to some guy? Wow…………….. No offense is meant, I am simply legitimately curious. I just assumed that real goddesses fought their own battles instead of needing a guy to help them.

  11. bangin said,

    dani: Yes this is real.

  12. goodyfun said,

    dani: Actually, this game is empowering for women. If women are able to feel comfortable seeing men in a sexual way that means this is progress. It’s like how moe moe stuff is empowering for men who are nervous around real girls.

  13. rzncu said,

    I am going to dig up this game and play it just because of the video you posted orz I didn’t even know this game was like this at all! XD I guess fujoshi can usually play otome games thinking it’s bl even when the main character is suppose to be girl.

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