
April 17, 2017 at 12:03 pm (doujin(同人), general, otaku word, slang)

Hi how are you doing? It’s getting warmer and warmer in Japan, and this shall end Spring. That’s so fast. Around my place, the cherry blossoms were good last week, but not anymore. That’s also fast.

Anyway, I am here to make a new post.


If you happen to be an artist like an idol, a singer, a manga-ka (comic artist), an actor, a blogger or like that. Do you want to see how famous you are or simply how people feel about you or what you are doing? Screw up your courage, and do google your name or you will see.

This is, you can say, エゴサ[egosa] to mean egosearching. エゴサ is an abbreviation of エゴサーチ[ego search].  This is actually one of the vogue words last year 2016, but it started from about 10 years ago. The fact that egosearching has become remarkable like this, is because lots of people are depending on the net, I suppose so.

Well, when I started out this blog, I used to think like, ah I want more people to come to read. Fortunately, people dropped by or visited here, and sometime said something. That made me happy. Some of my posts got trackbacked by someone, and I went to see how they did. I have not seen such a bad thing as far as I am aware, but oh hell, what if I got insulted elsewhere? I am gonna google my name, bangin…

No way. There is no point. You can’t do anything if you care. So what is the point in egosearching? You know, it’s a good thing to know how you are evaluated, so when people do egosearching, they want to know that. Accept such a nice complement like, ah his song is beautiful or her cosplays are so cool, they want to feel good. But if you happend to encount such a bad thing like, I don’t like his blog, what do you say?

Once you found it, you got obssessed with that. So you do egosearching more and more…it is said that this is one of net addiction, or インターネット依存症[internet izonshou]. Please come off it. No good things come out. Even if you accept such a bad evaluation about you, and improve yourself, someone else would point out something else. It never ends. Going to lose yourself. Here is a good explanation.


This is a good example. A donkey and one old couple. Both get on the donkey, they would say, oh poor donkey! It feels heavy! So the old man gets on, they would say, oh poor old woman, just the old guy feels comfortable! The old woman get on, they would say the other way around. Neither gets on, are they stupid? Don’t they know how to get on a donkey?




See? Nothing can satisfy all. No matter how good film comes out, all the people on the earth never get satisfied. In real life, there are so many contradictions. You finish the work for the day, and going to leave. Behind you they would say like, is he serious? Isn’t he helping the others? You trying to help the others, they would say like, ah is he working for the extra payment of overwork?

In real life or on the net, all we need is スルースキル[through skill]. We say スルー[through] to mean to ignore or pretend not to see. スルースキル means such a technique of ignorance. Just take up good things and don’t care about bad things. Because they would tell you directly if it is not really really good. Like you are not always on time or your hair is messy for the interview. Not behind you, but directly. Let’s tell. We humans can speak.




Speaking of スルースキル, I so admire Kotomine Kirei from Fate/Zero. There is a scene the naked Gilgamesh is in front of him with an arrogant looking. Kirei never points out. Is he sure? Seriously, how do you try not to say something when a naked guy is sitting in front of you? Kirei has a great スルースキル, you know.

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