About [ご案内]

Welcome to my blog, Japanese words of anime fans, by anime fans, for anime fans. On this blog, I will introduce and explain Japanese slangs, Japanese-English words, or 2ch words, or any other popular words among anime fans (or whoever). Also, since I am a cosplayer, there are some cosplaying photos of me on this blog. If you are not interested in cosplaying, or dislike it, please be aware of it. All rights reserved. I shall strictly prohibit you to take all of the cosplaying photos on this blog with no permission.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Enjoy!

You can mail me from the sidebar, please click E-mail me.


About me/管理人のプロフィール

Name: bangin[バンギン]

Nationality: Japanese

Blood type: O

Birthday: Nov 16th

Zodiac: Scorpio

Interests: Manga, anime, cosplay, travel, karaoke

My fav seiyu: Hirano Aya, Miyamura Yuko, Sakurai Takahiro, Kusao Takeshi, Sugita Tomokazu, Koyama Rikiya

You can go to my cosplay album here.


DSC_0177 - コピー



  1. creativetouch said,

    hey i like the way u have explained each word coz i dont really know japanese and this really helps me understand each words plus the pictures help too.
    keep it up.

  2. bangin said,

    Oh welcome to my new blog, creative! I hope this can help you understand Japanese trend more!

  3. creativetouch said,

    its intresting how two words are compared…thanxz,ur blog helps me so much in understanding words^_^

  4. bangin said,

    Japanese language is so complicated. Even though I am Japanese, it’s difficult to explain a meaning. But it’s interesting!

  5. khursten said,

    GJ!! XDD I love this site a lot. I hope you explain more terms.


  6. k0 said,

    Just wanna say I love your site very much. One of the most useful blogs I’ve seen catered to those interested in Japanese pop-culture. I’m definitely keeping an eye on updates, hope to learn more from you.

  7. bangin said,

    khursten: Oh no, I didn’t notice you left a comment here! Sorry, but what does GJ mean?

    k0:Thank you for coming! Yes, I will keep doing my best to make my blog more useful , informative and readable! Visit anytime, and if you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment! :))

  8. bangin said,

    Ah, it stands for good job. I learned it from the link you told me. XD I should learn more.

  9. k0 said,

    Just wanna say thanks for having me on your blogroll, I appreciate it alot.

  10. khursten said,

    GJ! lol. XDD I’m surprised you weren’t familiar with that one, but I actually learned that from 2ch!! XD

    GJ = Good Job! :3

  11. alafista said,

    wow this is a fascinating blog, love how you explain each word. Very nice effort.

  12. bangin said,

    Oh, thanks for coming! Sorry about tha late response. Please visit anytime, and I’d appreciate it if you could leave a comment!

  13. dcal said,

    Hi! I love the definitions and explanations found here. I wrote a post on fujoshi culture lately and probably quoted as dozen terms from your site here:

    Meandering thoughts: The Fujoshi

  14. bangin said,

    Hi, thanks for coming and quoting my blog!
    I think this is the third time my post on fujoshi got quoted. I am happy my blog could help people understand the fujoshi culture. 🙂

    Visit anytime, and feel free to ask if you have any questions.

  15. miyo said,

    (Google never ceases to amaze me. I can’t even remember what keywords I searched for…)
    I’ve read… let’s see… about 4 or 5 articles and I think I can say now that I’ll really like this site, partly because it helps me improve my Japanese *and* my English, but mostly because it’s so much fun. Thank you very much for writing it!

  16. bangin said,

    Hi, thank you for coming!
    No, no, no, my English is sucks. Don’t count on! 🙂 Actually I am studying now!
    But visit anytime, and feel free to leave a comment!

  17. V3N@R!S said,

    Konichi wa :o)

    First of all, I want to apologize, because this message won’t be a comment, but rather a seek for help. I could not find an email addresse on the website, so I said to myself, why not try it this way…;o) “Sumi-massen”, it won’t happen again.

    My name is Dirk, I live in Brussels, Europe, and I am doing a research to get my degree in psychological studies. I am in my last year at the “Université Libre de Bruxelles” ( U.L.B.). My research is about the look we people bring upon Japanese animation, depending on the culture we live in.

    To be able to do this study, I will need the help of people and anime sites out of Europe, so I can compare these populations. I am asking you here if it would be possible for me to add a link on your site, where people will be linked to a site (in English) were they will see an extract of a Japanese animation, and then they will be asked to respond to a questionnaire. Do you think this could be possible? If “yes”, how should this link look like (for instance, what size should it have?)

    I already got like 140 European responses, but only like 8 Asian ones, which is close, but not quiet enough for a research…;o) I hope you can help me to improve this :o)

    If you want to have a look at the website, the address is : http://www.toba.lu/memoire

    Thank you in advance :o) For further information and responses, feel free to use my e-mail address, which you got above.

    Sayonnara :o)

  18. bangin said,

     First, you can e-mail me from the sidebar, please click E-mail me.

    >I am asking you here if it would be possible for me to add a link on your site, where people will be linked to a site (in English) were they will see an extract of a Japanese animation, and then they will be asked to respond to a questionnaire. Do you think this could be possible? If “yes”, how should this link look like (for instance, what size should it have?)

    And you can sure add my blog on your list. but I don’t understand what you are asking well…sorry my English is not enough good to get your point. However you add my blog on your website is up to you.

    Perhaps I can go to your site and answer the questionnaire. But I don’t think I can do more than that.


  19. V3N@R!S said,

    Thanks, that is already great! I am very thankfull for every responses I get, so thank you! :o)
    Sorry for my english, it is not the best either…;o)

    Have a nice day, byyyeeee :o)

  20. khim said,

    wow, I cant believe you are a japanese since your english is very good ^^)


  21. bangin said,

    We are wordpress bloggers! I don’t understand what is written on your blog. But visit anytime!

    I am Japanese, but my English is not enough good.

    よろしくー 🙂

  22. khim said,


    It’s very good i think, especially compared to japanese around me
    Hope I will learn much japanese from your blog too

  23. bangin said,


    You can post a comment either in Japanese or in English. 😀

  24. Kaori said,

    I came to your site through double’s site, I think your site is amazing..! Like your cosplay pictures a lot too.. ^^!

  25. bangin said,

    Oh, thank you! And you are a cosplayer, too! I am actually a beginner.^^
    You were born in 三重県?

  26. Kaori said,

    はい ^^; 私の母は三重県人, 父はシンガポオル人です。。 ^_^ I cannot speak 日本語 very well though.. T_T!

    I like your 遙かなる時空の中で 舞一夜 cosplay the best..! かこいい!♪

  27. bangin said,

    I see, so you grew up in Singapore almost all your life かな?

    Oh 舞一夜 was my very first cosplay.^^
    I like your Suzumiya Haruhi!

  28. gordon said,

    hi banjin,

    はじめまして. i’m from singapore and was introduced to your blog by double. ^^;

  29. bangin said,

    Thank you for coming! I am glad so many people coming to my blog through double! Visit anytime, and feel free to leave a comment. ^^

  30. aurry said,

    hi there! Konnichiwa! Hajimemashite, dozoo yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
    (^^” can’t type in Japanese. sorry!)

    It’s so cool to find a Japanese guy who is so good at English! I’m still struggling to learn Japanese here =D I think Japan is really unique and would love to learn more about your culture.

    Really interesting posts you have here, it’s so fun to learn about the anime community in Japan, love how you guys always have cute slang to describe all sorts of things (e.g tsundere, moe)

    Me and my friend are planning our first trip to Japan this year ^_^ Very excited! We like anime and manga too =) and are planning to see people cosplaying on Sunday at Akihabara (good day eh?) Love to visit maid and butler cafes ^^ Do you have any other interesting cafes to recommend?

  31. bangin said,

    Sorry for the late response, I was away a bit. And welcome to my blog!

    Let’s see…for example, there are some themed-maid cafes like imouto-kei, pocchari-kei, or dansou-kei. In imouto-kei, they shall address you onii-chan or onee-chan. Pocchari means chubby, and dansou means crossdressing.

    I think I can let you know where exactly they are! 🙂

  32. jaredinnakano said,

    Bangin, your blog rocks! I am a huge fan, and have learned so much from your site. I hope you don’t mind if I post some things I’ve learned on my blog: http://jaredinnakano.wordpress.com/

    I will, of course, attribute you as the source, while making clear that you are not responsible for anything I misunderstood. バンギン先生ありがとうございました!


  33. bangin said,

    Welcome to my blog, and thanks for your comment.
    I am not a sensei, but I am glad I could help you. When you quote something from my blog, please do so.

    Visit anytime, and feel free to leave a comment!

  34. rogueagent666 said,

    I haven’t come back to this blog for a while and now I’ve seen some changes.
    I’d like to contact you regarding adding terms to a certain online dictionary, and I’d need your input. I will email you sometime soon, please check back your email often.

    Alternatively, you can email me directly to discuss this matter. Thank you for reading.

  35. Avplaya said,

    Dear Bangin-dono, can you add a RSS feed to your wonderful blog?

  36. w said,

    I think all wordpress blogs hosted on the wordpress server can just be added at their url + /feed/, anyway even if it isn’t listed here I’ve been subscribing to it since it started using https://bangin.wordpress.com/feed/ (Google Reader also auto-detects multiple feeds if you input a website url)
    Maybe putting an rss button will be more handy though, and it’s easy to do so I guess it’s not a bad idea anyway 😀

    (And if you’re asking why I’m here I subscribe to the comments feed at https://bangin.wordpress.com/comments/feed/ – repeat after me, I am not a stalker)

  37. bangin said,

    OMG, your comment got filtered by wordpress for some reason. WordPress sometimes does this. Thank you very much, you’re an angel!

  38. IPI, Inc. said,

    Dear Sirs

    We are a Exporter in Japan having a connection with Coterie and Printing Company.
    Comics we can supply are only by amateur (coterie) but give a fantastic feeling to
    European peoples.

    Attached please find the specimen (front Page only) for your reference.
    If you are interested in importing those coteries’ comic book (Japanese Manga),
    kindly contact us in e-mail. As to the details, kindly refer to the attached pdfs’.

    Thank you for your attention and and are looking forward to receiving your reply
    in return of e-mail.

    Our e-mail address is kumari88@mx1.kcv.ne.jp

    Best regards

    K. Kuwada
    IPI, Inc.

  39. pandaaah said,

    hi! got here by blog surfer 🙂
    i’ve seen you cosplay pics… you’re a good cosplayer i must say!

  40. bangin said,

    Thank you very much 🙂
    I like to cosplay, and keep cosplaying more!

    Please come again!

  41. goodyfun said,


    I’ve been reading your blogs and they make me happy! I’m a sucker for pop culture and get a real kick out of it. I only know a little japanese, but I think it’s good to know about pop culture as well as the basics. Maybe it’s because I want to know everything? ^_^

    行かなくてはなりません。さようなら (Gosh, I hope I did that in the right way!)

  42. bangin said,


    I’ll keep posting a new word, please come again.^^

  43. 子犬 said,

    It is not fair, I’m German and then you have better English to me! But I love your blog, I was told about it by goodyfun.

    I come back! Bye-bye!

  44. bangin said,

    No I always make a mistake, and sometimes someone kindly corrects. ^^

    Thanks for coming! Please come anytime!

  45. animekritik said,

    This is great! You can help a lot of people. Can you tell us about what slang is really popular now in Japan? When I lived in Japan all the girls said ohha- (おッはー), which I imagine has disappeared already. Also, is London Boots still popular??

  46. bangin said,

    Ohha- is gone, you’re right.
    Now I think あなたとは違うんです[I am not you!], or グゥ~[goo]. These are famous outside the otaku society.
    London Boots is still popular, but more and more comedians are coming. But too bad almost all of them are not that funny.

  47. goodyfun said,

    Hey, I think you might like this website.


    There are lots of words here, or tropes, that are used to describe common elements in film and literature- like in your blog. It’s a wiki so even you can add to it! …Though, be careful. People have been known to search this website many hours.

    Another thing I should mention is that there are a lot of English pop culture references, such as Where The Hell Is Springfield, Killer Rabbit, and Calvinball, that are very familiar to us over here, but not everywhere. (Also, I wonder if you will find a trope that has a different word…)

    I hope you have as much fun looking at this site as I do! 😉

  48. bangin said,

    Your comment got filtered by wordpress for a while, I am terribly sorry.

    Oh this is good. Thank you for telling me this!

    I think some of them have a replacement in Japanese.

  49. pennyQi said,

    I find your posts very useful~
    keep up the good work~ ( ^3^)~~

  50. bangin said,

    Thank you very much!
    Please come again.^^

  51. Hinano said,

    I also just realized your birthday is 2 days after mine!
    Scorpios banzai!! ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

  52. bangin said,

    Oh really?
    さそり座 banzai!!

  53. 子犬 said,

    Hello, there is this song from a Lucky Star single that has lyrics I do not understand. Only two of the verses make a little sense to me. orz Is it impolite to ask for help translating? ( . .)

  54. bangin said,

    Which one? Some of the Lucky Star songs don’t make any sense. I hope I could do that. Please e-mail me.

  55. Marie said,

    I’ve been visiting your site quite often, but never had enough courage to ask for the link exchange ^^;; I felt my blog is still new, and doesn’t have a sufficient amount of contents. But it’s a New Year! And that’s the only reason that I can come up with as far as why you have to link exchange with Marie o(>.<)o! Happy New Year ^^!

  56. bangin said,

    Hi Marie-san, thanks for visiting.
    Are you a manga-ka or something? I have added your site on my sidebar.

  57. Marie said,

    Kyah! Thanks for the adds ^^! I also added your link to my blogroll.
    I’m not a manga-ka, but after pursuing fine arts *my major* for who knows how many years, I’ve found the new interest in drawing manga. You know, fine art students are prohibited to draw manga/anime characters. hehe ^^;; but it really is fun to draw your favorite manga/anime characters and likewise, creating your own characters ^^v

  58. bangin said,

    Thanks for the adds too.^^
    Then you can create a doujinshi if you want!

  59. Seraph said,

    Hi bangin[バンギン],

    I have been reading your blog and it is just amazing^^ There are lots of interesting topics here!! Hey! I have the interest to exchange banner with you.
    Just send me email if you are okay! Cheers^^

    Have a nice day^^
    http://www.e2046.com (Specialized: Anime, Figure, Robot, PVC…etc)

  60. Mike said,

    I was swindled on usfreeads by some crook hiding behind a mobile line. Asswipe was speechless when I got his name and address and made a house call lol!

    Reverse Number Lookup

  61. 無名 said,


    Keep up the good work!

    • bangin said,



      Please come again! Thank you! \(^o^)/

  62. khim said,


    • bangin said,


  63. jaredinnakano said,

    No update on Otomen’s debut? Is everything OK?

  64. bangin said,

    My blog is supposed to introduce otakish terms, so I don’t blog anime nor drama series here…

    But I have a friend who blogs drama series, she is Hinano. And as I thought, she is doing that. Here is the link.


  65. jaredinnakano said,

    Thanks for the link. Hinano’s post is awesome! My friend Britton did a guest post on my blog summing up the premiere episode. This will be a fun drama. I learned a new sentence: 守ってあげたくなる。

  66. double said,

    Hey bangin, 久しぶり!
    Have not seen you on msn for quite a while. How have you been?
    I’m heading to Tokyo in September, from 12-20th. I doubt I’ll have the time to do any cosplay stuff since I’ll only have 1 weekend free, but we can meet up for dinner or something on the weekdays if it’s fine with you.
    Soshi will be there too, for a year in Waseda University.

    Drop me a mail if you’re free.

    • bangin said,

      OMG, so are you coming!?
      I will mail you soon and let’s talk about the detail!

  67. 月下メロン said,

    I came here from AKIBA HIROI. I really like this blog, I go on 2ch a lot, sometimes I don’t understand how certain phrases come about such as 香ばしい but now I understand! Sometimes I wish I could cosplay but I am not handsome enoughw

    • bangin said,

      Hello thank you for coming. 2ch words are so complicated that even I don’t understand sometimes!

      Oh handsome doesn’t matter, the important thing is to enjoy cosplay.

  68. chounokoe said,


    • bangin said,



      • chounokoe said,


  69. Cat Clan said,

    I have read your blog since a long time ago, even though I have never posted anything because I was a bit shy. But I decided to express my gratitude for your blog, since it has teached me so many words. I live in Guadalajara, Mexico and I learned Japanese for 6 years, so being able to understand more Anime-related terms is always a bless.

    I really appreciate your blog and keep up the good work. By the way, I really like to do karaoke too… but it’s kind of hard to find a karaoke box here in Mexico, that’s why my wife and I area always singing at home he he.

    • bangin said,

      Thank you for coming, and I am so sorry that I haven’t replied you since my computer’s broken. And don’t be shy, you are welcome anytime.^^

      You live in Mexico! It is one of the places I really want to travel. Here, karaoke is everywhere, and I usually go once a week.

  70. Zak said,

    WOw you can cosplay all those anime characters in the list above
    nice:D i like Lelouch from code geass and L from death note.

    • bangin said,

      Oh I haven’t updated the list above. Actually there are some more!

  71. Zak said,

    LOl really? you’re the king of cosplay haha:D

  72. angelofdevotion said,


    cosplayもかっこいいし! 一番好きなのはXerxes BreakとSebastian Michelsです!

    しかし、バンギンさんのおかげで、今、私は ”cosplayもう一度してみたい!”の感じが増えてきた!

    Please continue to post more of your awesome cosplay pictures!

    • bangin said,


      I am so glad that you like my Break since I didn’t hear feedbacks for him.


  73. rzncu said,

    *o* getbackers cosplay pic!!!! wah, i love this series ❤
    To cosplay Midou Ban… i wonder how much hairgel you had to use on the hair or wig XD

    • bangin said,

      It took more than 30 minutes to set up the wig. My hand was very slippery.

  74. Crystal said,

    Hi there,

    I really like your blog! I spend a few hours just reading about the Japanese terms and learned a lot of stuff about anime culture. I like how your blog, blogs from a different perspective(cosplayer) with different interests from other blogs I’ve seen so far. Keep up the good work!

    And your English is really good too. Maybe some mistakes or typos here and there, but I think you’re pretty fluent when it comes to typing. I don’t know how your speaking ability would be, but I would guess pretty good as well.

    • bangin said,

      Hi thank you for coming. I am just a damn cosplayer!
      As you can see, my writing is like this. So speaking is, uh…sucks. orz

      If you speak slowly, I would be able to catch a few words, maybe!

  75. cinnamon said,

    the more i read your blog, the more i love it! i have been looking for a blog like this for ages! thanks so much for writing in English – Japanese is very difficult to learn in this part of the world, where i am from. (in case you wonder – Estonia). keep up to good work and fab pictures – and you have a new admirer in Estonia, Europe!

    • bangin said,

      Thank you for coming! And Estonia! You’re right, I have never spoken to someone from Estonia. What is your language?

  76. cinnamon said,

    I definitely will be a regular visitor to your blog – well written and adorable pictures! Love it! In Estonia, we speak Estonian – and by the way, there is just a tad bit more then 1 million of us. Check yourself:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Estonia. And let me say thank you in Estonian: Aitäh!

  77. cosplay said,

    just wonder can i get a sponsor post in your blog? plz reply me via my email


  78. arisawayoru said,

    hi nice to meet you:) I am a cosplayer from hong kong(,
    sorry for my bad english.
    I love all your cosplay from slam dunk to Junjou Romantica Mirage of Blaze and sweetpool ! They are all awesome!
    Our hobbies are so identical to each other :0
    and I hope that we can be friends :$$$$$$!!!!!!!!!
    日本語を使えたいですけど 下手すぎるですみません;w;

    • bangin said,

      Hi nice meet you, too.
      You are a cosplayer! May I see your cosplays?

      I am glad you like my cosplays and some of our favorites are similar.
      I love sweet pool and Mirage of Blaze.

      Please feel free to e-mail me anytime.
      You can e-mail me from the sidebar, E-mail me.


  79. krazzykamaali said,

    I wish I knew about this blog earlier… it would have really helped me out!

    I’m subscribing to your RSS right now! ^^ I’m sad you’re not going to be cosplaying anymore (T_T). I’m just starting! ^^

    Take care and happy new year!

    [BTW, your Get Backers cosplay is FANTASTIC! absolutely love it! kakkoiiiiiiiii…. it makes my heart go kyuun because I love Ban.]

    krazzykamaali ~COSPLAY! 4 Beginners~

    • bangin said,

      Hi happy new year!

      I will keep cosplaying, don’t worry.
      Are you living in Japan? Because I saw some pics on your site.

  80. soyokaze said,

    Hello, If you are wondering how I bumped into your blog – It’s all because of boredom.
    I really find your entries interesting and I learned a lot. I don’t know much about Japanese slangs so it was really helpful for me to understand such terms.

    日本語を習っていますがぜんぜん進歩できません ORZ


    Sorry if there are any mistakes. Oh well, I will be looking forward for more interesting entries.

    • bangin said,

      Thank you for coming, and your Japanese is great. How did you get that?
      Please come again!

      • soyokaze said,

        I’m a frequent of Niconico so whenever I’m bored I watch the videos and read the comments.

        Comparing your English with my (poor) Japanese, I’m very far from it. There are times I want to exchange mails online but then I get afraid that I might offend Japanese people so I just gave up on that idea. (Yes, I’m a coward *laughs*)

        びっくりしました!多季史のコスプレが見たとき、「これが珍しいな」ってと思っていました。切ない作品が好きですがあまり泣きません。しかし、舞一夜をみたとき泣きましたよ (TwT。) 

        I apologize if you find me too talkative LOL.

  81. bangin said,


  82. Matt Katch said,


    • bangin said,


  83. bangin said,

    I am sorry, but I am not interested in your project.

  84. Rao said,

    Wow, so you’re from Japan…..and you’re a cosplayer too….man, your English is good enogh to be understood….and at my first impression, I don’t know that you’re a japanese….sumimasen….I’m just a net-passer suddenly caught up by your blog about high school uniform-because you know-for most of us , the high school time has a lot of unforgettable sweet memories…..but after watching too much anime and reading manga….I realize that an unique otaku culture focusing on japanese high school uniform and mode really makes me feel excited. I wish i had my high school memories while wore that stuff (gakuran) and my girlfriend wore that kawai sailor seifuku….^^

    • bangin said,

      Yes I am Japanese. Never mind, and I am pleased to hear you liked my post on Seifuku.

  85. mimizu said,



    • bangin said,



  86. antique-keys said,

    My goodness, you are just amazing! I’ve been looking at your cosplays for a few weeks now and I figured I should just tell you. Thank you for making this blog! 😀

    • bangin said,

      Oh thank you very much! Please come again!

  87. Michelle said,

    Btw, how did you get into BL? I hope this is not a personal question. If it is, feel free to disregard it. I’m sure you’ve already explained why you like BL.

    And thanks for explaining all those terms. Sometimes, I think Japan is quite a complex society which puts many different meanings onto a single theme or concept. @_@ Even “ai”(love) has so many terms for it. And then, there’s that Uchi and Soto stuff which thankfully, they erm… don’t always implement into manga or anime.

    Your cosplaying is awesome. :3

    • Michelle said,

      Sorry, I meant honne and tatamae, not uchi and soto.

    • bangin said,

      I have some BL fangirls and they got me some BL novels.

      • Michelle said,

        Oh I see. 🙂 Was it a shock when you read the novels?

  88. shisei279ee said,

    Hi Bangin,
    by any chance did you happen to go to Overload in Auckland, New Zealand? I think I saw you, or at least someone who looks really similar to you…

    • bangin said,

      No I have never been to New Zealand, so it was not me. Is he a cosplayer?

  89. Wakana said,

    こんにちは^^ 初めまして!和香菜といいます!




    • bangin said,


  90. Katze said,

    i just discovered your blog while looking up Lamento cosplay images – despite what you said, i think you did Asato really well! i’m still reading your other entries, but you put so much thought and effort into all your characters, it’s really almost an art and it shows.

    i hope you continue to cosplay and look forward to your next character selection (Kaburagi Kotetsu, maybe? yes, i’m a huge TaiBani fan).

    PS – i’m so glad to see Banchan above, Get Backers was one of my favorite shows.

    • bangin said,

      Thank you for coming. Oh Lamento cosplay? Yes, I did Asato, but I want to do him again because I have cosplayed him just once.
      Taibani? Maybe when I get a bit older!

  91. Riobard said,

    Hi Bangin!

    Thank you so much for your blog which helps me a lot with Japanese terms! I am able to understand the meanings behind the terms now.

    Will follow your blog from now on to learn more about your country, Japan.

    Kind regards.

    • bangin said,

      Hi Riobard, thank you for coming. Yes, please come anytime. I hope you could understand our culture!

  92. Cebuano Slang in Japanese | JAPAN♥CEBU said,

    […] A Cosplayer, Mr. Bangin, from Japan explained that the word TORIMA came from toriaezu maa. The word means “anyway” in English. […]

  93. angelofdevotion said,


    I came across a facebook page which used your picture as a wall photo.

    I am not sure if the person who posted your picture has asked permission from you to use the picture, so I just want to let you know about this, since using your photo without permission would be infringing your rights.

    • bangin said,

      Hi I e-mailed you personally. Thank you very much for letting me know this.
      This doesn’t seem to mean anything, so I shall let it go.
      But next time if I come across something like this, I would speak to the uploader.

      • angelofdevotion said,

        Gomen ne! I totally forgot to give you a reply ^^
        Anyway, if I come across any of your pics uploaded without your consent, I’ll tell you again ^^.

  94. cobra34 said,

    Thanks for your サービスカット article. It’s pretty interesting to know that the correct terms are “service cut” and “service scene”, NOT “fan service” as the western fandom ignorantly has called it. Do you know why English speakers keep calling this “fan service”, even when they know this term is INCORRECT? Thanks!

  95. ทอง 18k said,

    Fantastic web site. A lot of helpful info here. I am sending it to
    some pals ans also sharing in delicious. And naturally, thank you to your sweat!

  96. jrdp_18 said,

    Nice blog here! It’s really informative.

  97. Arturo said,

    Fantastic site. Plenty of useful info here.
    I’m sending it to several friends ans also sharing in delicious. And obviously, thank you to your effort!

  98. cluckyduck78 said,

    Hello,I love your cosplay work and the mirage of blaze summary .I am a huge fan of the anime and novel ,but I can’t find any translations of volume 19,could you do me a big favor and translate it for me ?
    Id be so grateful

  99. The return of blog awards: Creative Blogger Award | Anime Vios said,

    […] bangin (Japanese words of anime fans, by anime fans, for anime fans) […]

  100. miharusshi said,

    Hello bangin! I’ve been lurking in your blog for quite some time now, and every time I read it’s enlightening. Nominated you for the Creative Blogger Award. No pressure. You can do it anytime you want. Or if you’re not up for this, I also don’t mind. I just wanted to let you know. 🙂 Have a nice day!

  101. Fandom de RAINBOW 二舎六房の七人 – KERNEL PANIKK said,

    […] pensaba que no iba a encontrar cosplays de RAINBOW , resulta que estaba equivocada. Aquí tenéis a Bangin [バンギン], un valiente cosplayer japonés que elige lo que se pone en función de lo que lo emociona, no lo […]

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