
March 7, 2009 at 8:20 am (doujin(同人), general, otaku word)

 This post contains some discriminatory contexts. Viewers’ understanding is required.

 難しいな、この言葉…どうやって説明しよう。Well, I have no confidence to explain this term well, so if you don’t understand what I am saying here, feel free to ask me.



 The first thing I have to say is that this word is actually Japanese-Englsih[和製英語], and it doesn’t work the same way in English. When we Japanese say スイーツ[sweets], it definitely means such a pretty cake or pudding like Antique Bakery serves. And since it is plural, we add “s.” So スイーツ means varaeties of cakes or the likes. Meanwhile it means just a tiny confectionary such as a candy in English.

 Putting it aside, if there is (笑)[warai] behind スイーツ, watch out, that is actually an insulting word. (笑) means laughing as you may imagine. But it sounds like mocking rather than laughing. You know, this can be found in the contexts of someone’s interviews in the magazine or whatever in order to show how he/she sounds. For example,

a(interviewer): How did you feel about that?

b(musician): That was good(笑). ←[In this way, we can see he is smiling or laughing]

 Then, how come (笑) is behind スイーツ? That is because…うーん、そうだなあ。For one thing, Japanese people tend to create a new word even if it eventually means the same thing. To make it cool, make it sound cool, we make a better word. お菓子[okashi], 和菓子[wagashi], 甘味[kanmi] are almost the same thing, “confectionary.”(和菓子 is Japanese traditional confectionary such as 最中[monaka], so there is even a word, 和スイーツ[wa-sweets]). But we can sum up all of them as スイーツ, and this makes it sound cooler. Do you agree? 

 Whether you agree with this or not is the reason why here is (笑). Most magazines are using スイーツ to attract women because it is said that most women like sweet cakes or the likes. Also, they introduce those nice patisseries to market their magazines. Yes, just like this, they make a pitch. Unknowingly, there are some women who fall for such a bait…

 Caught on, haven’t you? スイーツ(笑) means such a woman who meaninglessly follows the trend or the mainstream. To make it more simple, it means a snobbish woman who aimlessly follows fashion. (笑) functions to mock such a fashion monger. Or else, such an act shall be called スイーツ脳[sweets nou] or sweet brain.

 So, it is not even necessarily スイーツ[sweets], but other things most women fall for. I can think of 岩盤浴ダイエット[bedrock bathing diet], 愛され上手[how to be good in order to be loved(I am sorry, but I can’t translate it well)], 小悪魔メイク[gremlin-like make-up], パスタ[pasta], ふわもてカール[fluffy curling hair]. These things are catch lines which could grab women. Placing (笑) behind each, you can make fun of those ladies.

 Nah, that is just a stereotype. I don’t think all the women follow these kinds of things. Remember I introduced ピザデブ[pizadebu] before? That is a stereotype that most otakus are fat and eat a pizza. The truth is no. Because I don’t eat it. :p And I don’t mean to be arrogant, but I am not fat(check out my cosplays if you don’t believe).

 The same goes to スイーツ(笑). People who like cakes are everwhere. I like it, too. 男だって甘いものくらい食べるよ(笑)Anyway, there is another word which can fire back, 逆スイーツ(笑)[gyaku sweets] or reverse sweets. This is to insult anyone who believes such a stereotype. 

 Then who uses this word? It is said that poor men who have never dated a girl. Since they do not know about girls, they think most women are something like that. No, that is not true. Some of my friends do not like スイーツ though they are all girls. 当たり前じゃん!(笑)

 A word like this exists…that apparently means Japanese people tend to believe stereotypes. Don’t be so provincial, be more spontaneous!



  1. Wabisabi said,

    Check this out:

  2. w said,

    It’s one of my favourite words! Finally! がんばった自分へのご褒美ってやつ?(笑)

    Perhaps the mocking is a little easier to understand for English-speaking anime fans (at least) when you replace スイーツ-type people with so-called “weeaboos”… people who go around using gratuitous Japanese when it only makes them look incredibly, incredibly stupid. You know the kind that go… ah, you probably know what I mean but let me illustrate with a tired old ‘kopipe’(笑)

    There’s some nice parodies here… ttp://shadow-city.blogzine.jp/net/2007/12/post_f8d6.html

    As always, thank you Y殿(笑)
    I’m done.

  3. Selidor said,

    In British English, ‘sweets’ is also an old-fashioned word for cakes and desserts (my grandmother uses it a lot). That’s probably how it ended up with that meaning in Japanese.

  4. w said,

    I also clean forgot there’s that episode of Samurai Champloo where Fuu’s written her diary in pretty much JK language… that’s where I learned that (笑) is pronounced kakko-warai.

  5. bangin said,

    Wabisabi: Please get me a publisher if you can.

    w: アタシはモテカワスリムだから(笑)
    Oh, weeaboos! I was wondering what it meant. I have seen it a couple of times, but my dictionary doesn’t have the word.

    In Gintama, there is a scene in which someone leaves a dog at Gintoki’s place with a note saying この犬あげます(笑) and he yells 笑えねーよ!(怒)

    Selidor: Oh really? I heard it only means a tiny candy or chewing gum in English. Thank you for the clarification.

  6. Chibi-Chibi said,

    Just a note .. the first time i asked what a weeaboo means i was explained it originates from english word “wannabe” (aka want to be) and that “weeaboo” is how Japanese suppose to pronounce it xD

  7. mochie said,

    Wah! Good to have my computer back! haven’t visit here for so long because of virus. ><

    Haha I think this post describes me since I am a Sweets (笑) person a lot of the times.

    小悪魔メイク is usually translated into Little Devil Make up but usually amongst westerners who follow gyaru style, it is known as Koakuma Make up in English. I wear that kind of make up actually. Haha.

  8. bangin said,

    Chibi-Chibi: I don’t think of any words which are close to weeaboo in Japanese. Umm…what is it?

    mochie: Following the trend is not necessarily a bad thing. Not knowing the trend is sometimes out of fashion. Me, I have to keep myself updated because I am blogging this kind of thing. Even that, I think I am really behind. XD

    Koakuma Make up works in English as it is!! Does Visual-kei also work?

  9. w said,

    The origins of the word ‘weeaboo’ have nothing to do with Japan… originally the term ‘wapanese’ was used to describe wannabe-Japanese (or ‘white Japanese’ ala ‘wiggers’ = white + nigger, people who tried to be black)
    Then on the imageboard 4chan one of the admins put in a word filter such that any instance of ‘wapanese’ got converted into ‘weeaboo’. The word stuck so everyone kept using that instead.

    The word ‘weeaboo’ itself came from this strip from a particularly surreal online comic that I quite like.

    FWIW, V-kei and Visual-kei are quite well understood among Japanophiles. I didn’t know about Koakuma-kei until following some blogs and discovering the sheer terror of… ageha magazine…

  10. Neohybrid_kai said,

    Keeping watch for the what’s in now is fine, but I hate person who follow it. They tend to be paranoid and losing confidence when they feel not wear/watch/eat/speak with the recent trend.

    Ironically, the same thing also happen with the otaku, with all the recent moe trend.

  11. bangin said,

    w: Thanks for the explanations, you are an expert.^^

    Neohybrid_kai: Otakus are particular. They fall for what they like although at first they take a look on a brand-new genre. Tsundere fanboys are tsndere fanboys. Yandere fanboys are yandere fanboys.

  12. mochie said,

    I think it is maybe because I am a Fashion Student so I have to keep up to date with everything (even though I feel that I am rather outdated).

    Visual-kei works in English as well, but for me I generally don’t use that term often but if you say Visual-Kei to someone who watches anime, most of them will understand (not all of them will know what it means).

  13. bangin said,

    Actually I am more outdated! I have to catch up with the trend to find a topic.

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