
July 11, 2007 at 6:18 am (otaku word)


 This term has been remarkable lately because of this same title shoujo manga, オトメン. So it is a kind of clarification for men, which simply means young guys who like BL stuff or otome games even if they’re not gay. If you have this manga, you already saw the definitions for オトメン on the back cover(or else, it’s told in the story).

 1. Young men who likes BL stuff or any other otome things.   

 2. Young men who are good at any chores.

 3. Young men who are actually feminine whereas they are so manly in front of others.

In fact, in this manga, the first definition is not mentioned, but I think it should be. Having said that, this might be controvertial because even if he loves shoujo manga, that wouldn’t necessarily mean he is a BL fan. Such guys are maybe 腐男子([fudanshi]; male version of 腐女子[fujoshi]).

 Me? Well, a certain friend of mine made me admit I am an オトメ I have played some otome games and like them, and I am not bad at any chores…so umm, yes, I am the one. orz W-What? What’s wrong with being オトメン? I think the era of オトメン will be coming soon for sure!


  1. キャラ弁[charaben] « Japanese words of anime fans, by anime fans, for anime fans said,

    […] as an otaku, as an otomen(they must be good at cooking. Actually in this manga, the protagonist can make a gorgeous lunch […]

  2. Teko-chi said,

    Aww~ Otomen are in yaoi a lot! ^^

  3. bangin said,

    Yes, that’s true…in any yaoi anime, there is absolutely at least one.

  4. 子犬 said,

    I think that the era of オトメン is here now, there are so many. Men do more chores in the house now days. I much prefer オトメン but I believe young girls think more that way. My mama can not understand. So maybe if オトメン like an older woman, they are out of luck!

    • bangin said,

      As otomens come out, the society would be better for women. Women would be able to work outside more and more. Otomen is not a bad thing, is it?^^

  5. Marius Mink said,

    Wow! I really like guys who are strong enough to say “Hey, I’m Otome, so what?” Cause it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I think it’s really admirable! Thank you for being brave! I wish I had a friend like you in my life.

    • bangin said,

      According to my friend, I am the very first otomen who came out of the closet and admitted who I am in English.^^

  6. Soshokukei: Men are now “Herbivores” « Jared’s in Nakano said,

    […] “ojo-man” (lady-like men), this term seems to share many characteristics with the term “otomen” introduced by my online moe sensei […]

  7. Otomen TV show starts soon « Jared’s in Nakano said,

    […] first heard of this term from my otaku and moe language teacher Bangin. He prefers this term over “soshokukei” (herbivores). Otomen, he defines, as young men […]

  8. DarcyAglow said,

    I somewhat think that it is great to have a boyfriend who is “otomen” ^_^
    If we live together he wil be willing to help me with the housework. I really like their caring side.
    Anyway, is Watanuki Kimihiro in the manga xxxholic an “otomen”?
    He is good at cooking and kinda sensitive.

    • bangin said,

      Yes, he will help you so you don’t have to do it by yourself. ^^

      Let’s see, Watanuki is an otomen, yes.

  9. Platypus said,

    Banginさん, are 乙男 lumped together with “herbivore men” a lot? Reading a couple English blogs related to Japanese and otaku news, I’ve seen a lot of negative press regarding herbivorous men and carnivorous women.

    • bangin said,

      Yes, sometimes otomen is compared to grass-eating men. I think grass-eating men came first, and then otomen followed it. But otomen is a man who loves shoujo stuff whereas it is not a crucial item for a soushoku danshi.

  10. 【翻訳】少男情懷總是詩-「オトメン」 « 空想サーキュレーション said,

    […] ============================================================ 原文出處:オトメン(乙男)[otomen] 向作者致以無上敬意! […]

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